Monday, August 8, 2011

We've made it to San Antonio

We have reached our hotel and it's awesome! I love Wyndham and our timeshare. Our room was two stories with a hot tub on the deck upstairs. The kitchen was a bit tiny- very tiny-

 The bedrooms totally make up for the lack of kitchen and living room space- it's only one night and it's better than a regular hotel room - and cheaper too- we're using timeshare points!

 The deck was off of the upstairs bathroom , that also had a full bathroom too, and a beautiful view....

It had a full bathroom and bedroom downstairs too. After we all had a good night sleep, we woke early to go to another yummy eatery. I factored these Texas places into my budget while in the planning stages because I love to eat here!! The food is just amazing! So we took the kids to a well known place - Guenthers-- they manufacture flour and make their own baked goods, breads, biscuits, pancakes, etc.. it's so worth every bite. 
See.. happy faces from a full belly of good food!

After eating we had to go back and change rooms. I was a little nervous because it's supposedly a smaller room. But since I've booked all the rooms on our trip in the discount point time period- I can't be choosy, I'm basically choosing from leftover rooms that didn't get rented at full points- So it is what it is. that's how we're able to travel for so long. 

So I worried for no reason. Our new room is absolutely amazing and blew away the first one by tons! It still had 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms but just no hot tub- that's OK! 

 We were super close to the hotels observation deck, so we were able to use it as if it were our own!

After getting settled in we spent the rest of the day out....

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