Monday, August 8, 2011

On Our way to San Antonio

We've made our way out of New Orleans and into Texas. I didn't book a room because I wasn't sure how far we would drive since Husband is here for a few more days, he can see at night to drive! So I waited too long. I decided to try and find something on Hotwire at about 12:03am and found out I was out of luck! Same day reservations need to be made in the same day-- sounds silly reading that out loud, but at the time I thought nothing of it and was thoroughly confused! So we had to do it the old fashioned way and actually read the road signs, then pull in and inquire verbally if they have accommodations available. What a pain in the rear , and it costs more. Goodbye savings! We made it all the way to Houston, about 6 hours from where we left, leaving about 4 hours to finish tomorrow. I need to also say we drove past the Galveston exit, so I missed seeing one of my favorite shorelines. Boo!!
 We woke early so we could get a move on, but then decided -- again-- to detour to Austin for the day. We ate at one of my favorite eateries-- the Commerce Street Cafe-- oh so yummy.. they have carrot cake french toast! The kids didn't love the fancy menu, they settled for cheese quesadillas, plus we let them drink soda and promised them donuts later - so they got over it quickly!

 We stopped by the Austin Speed Shop
 Then walked around the town some, visiting the costume shop. We saw people participating in the Great Race game. These ones had somebody dress up like Chewbacca. The kids thought it was great. A few more teams came in , so we say like superman, and a few more costumes that I don't remember.
 After that we went to the towns best pizzeria and I wanted a shirt, so #3 inquired how much they sell for , and the lady told him, then also added that he could get a 15% discount if he let her draw a mustache on him. So of course he did, then they didn't even have my size! So #3 got  a shirt instead!
After feeding them pizza we took them for donuts ,as promised. We went to the place that was on Man Vs. Food, Round Rock Donuts. Husband and I had them last time we were in Austin. They are the most delicious things ever! They came out warm and the kids thought the same. 

After a day of stuffing our face we finally went to find our hotel and check in.

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