Saturday, August 6, 2011

Last day in New Orleans

After what started a little rocky, it turned out to be a wonderful time. The rain finally took a break, and we took the kids to the aquarium-- again, Aunty had free passes!!! Awesome!! Thanks so much to my Aunt! Her and my Mom went and spent some sisterly time today. We're meeting though for a farewell girls lunch while the boys go to the WWII Museum. My Mom and Aunt are both taking off today. 
We splurged and went to a place called the Court of Two Sisters- a wonderful jazz brunch. It's amazingly delicious, and beautiful too.  #2 enjoyed how fancy it was. After brunch #2 and I walked around to a bunch of little art galleries to peruse their wares. But before all that took place we visited the aquarium with the boys.

It had a temporary exhibit with birds. Just as the butterflies, the birds were drawn to #3

 This was super funny, she freaked a little!!

 How cute is this little guy! I wanted to sneak him out in my backpack as a gift for my nephew!
 #3 thought he could ride the sea horse. Sometimes I feel as though I'm the only one in any place that has to continually tell my children "GET DOWN"!!!
 Maybe if she waits long enough, it will turn into her prince charming!

 After the Aquarium and "Girls brunch" and Boys Museum and Lunch time, we reconvened. We had to pack our stuff and make our way out of town. On our way out we drove by a famous cemetery. It was so beautiful. I wished we had time to walk around it. Next time we will make time.

So all in all the kids turned out to love New Orleans just as much as Husband and I do. Thank Goodness! They are talking about the next time they come, what they want to see and do. Grandma still prefers to keep her distance, saying it reminds her too much of her days working in NY City. I guess not every one's going to appreciate it the way I do! Oh well.
I'm just so glad we have our Wyndham timeshare so all this is possible. I couldn't imagine having to splurge on hotels and eating out the whole time. Having the space is wonderful for the kids to wind down after being so active and being able to use a kitchen is a complete bonus. But I guess we wouldn't be on such an excursion if we had to do it a more traditional way! So Thanks Wyndham for making traveling so easy!! On to our next adventure!

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