Monday, August 8, 2011

Flagstaff, AZ

We have arrived at our next location... Flagstaff, Arizona. It's beautiful! To welcome us, the skies parted and gave us a brief rain shower that ended with a spectacular rainbow. It seemed the end was right over our timeshare!! 
 This was some stuff we passed driving. The scenery is just so different than what we see at home.
 This was a storm we saw. It was neat, we could see it in the distance. It didn't hit us until the end of our day's drive-- thank goodness - and it wasn't that bad either.
 While driving we passed the petrified forest. I wished I would have planned that into our travel time, but it was almost closed at the hour we cruised by... bummer.
 When we arrived I was shocked at how spacious the unit was! Pleasant surprise. We had a 2 bedroom lock off which is two 1 bedrooms adjoined. So I propped the door in between open , and told the kids the TV was not to be turned on, past the door opening.. meaning my side.. and turned the radio on!!It worked, they only watched that stupid box on their side!!

 How cool is it that the bathtub has it's own room. It was more like a mini pool. That' where the kids swam for the few days here due to the on and off rain the whole time.
 This was their side
 #1 was very hungry and opted for a large bowl of pasta for dinner!
The whole time we were here we just hung out. We found the post office and traveled on historic Route 66 for a bit. We drove around to sight see since it was raining. The kids were a little worn out from traveling and packing in two museums and 4 hours driving in one day, so I let them relax. It is summer.... I keep trying to convince myself that down time can be good... but there is soooooo much to see , and so little time!

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