Monday, August 8, 2011

Day out in San Antonio

We went and walked around the market here, spending the day in between the warming sunshine and the little stores. I love the Mexican influence and decor here. We have no problem finding anything with skulls on it!


#1 is all smiles because I waited with him while he got a hat painted. 
After browsing the shops we took them to another Man vs. Food location for dinner.. Lulu's 

Their special is the huge plate size chicken fried chicken dinner and it's only like 8 bucks! The kids thought just the sheer size of it was amazing, but delicious too,, so it was finally a win- win for a meal! They were so full , they didn't have room for the 3 pound cinnamon roll. Too Bad!
We went back to the room to digest and they tried on their market purchase.

Then they thought they should wrestle too, so we had to go out again to entertain them. We walked around the town, the hotel is only 2 blocks from the Alamo.
Then we thought we'd give #2 an early birthday gift and surprise her with a carriage ride. We kept seeing them from our hotel window and she was mesmerized with each one that passed, so...

We got her one! #1 stayed back at the room because he has a bum toe, so it hurts him to walk. It was neat, he told us some history of the buildings we passed by. Then we walked a little more and peeked in at the touristy place we didn't want to pay to get in to.

Then we had to go back to the room, we have an early day tomorrow, Husband flies out at the crack of dawn, so we need to be packed and loaded to go. We have 15 hours to drive to our next location.

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