Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Room Change Day

Still in Oceanside, but we moved to another room. I loved our room, but the only way we could stay longer was to switch-- oh well.We have been here for 4 days already and have got into the groove of beach living! On the pier there is a little diner that is so delicious, we have ventured there for dinner and today we went there for breakfast because we had to change rooms. The breakfast was out of this world! Before we went into the diner we watched dolphins in the ocean. It was the neatest, there were tons of them!
 Kids in the diner.

There is also a bait shop on the pier as well, so #1 grabbed his pole after breakfast and spent
the afternoon fishing. He caught 6 small fish and 2 bigger ones.

 Then we had to ask how to "prep" them for cooking. A nice local gave #1 a verbal tutorial and off he went.
#3 decided to try and make friends.
 But it didn't want to be bothered!

While we were fishing our phone call came that our room is ready. Yay!
How beautiful it turned out to be, but we still liked our first one the best!

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