Saturday, August 6, 2011

More New Orleans

So we got inside just in time before the rain. What a fun mall.  Even the outside courtyard is decorative.
 And the inside as well. Lobsters are the theme.
 And alligators!
 And Bears oh my!!!
 We went to the mall so everyone could eat what they felt like and it's a less costlier option. Good thing, because the rain let up for like a minute, then when we peeked again, it was coming down full force.

 So we went back inside and caught a show-- kind of. It was a fudge factory, but they put a whole show on with singing and making the fudge in front of us. Then they gave out samples and of course a show special on pricing. It worked , we went home with fudge! It was super yummy!
 The guy sang a song similar to "Forget You" but instead sang "Fudge you" and the picture below is him singing that and pointing to me! #3 thought that was so funny!

Then the kids got their fortune read by Zoltar.

Then it stopped raining and we went back to the room tired out. Aunt Gen was due to arrive soon, so we didn't want to miss her arrival. It worked out well because we decided to book another room in case we wanted to stay another day, and upon checking in to that room , we asked if there was a unit with a stove, and conveniently there was one unit they were able to give us. So we didn't have to eat out the rest of our meals. Yay! Perfect- we moved all our food into that unit and cooked!

Later my Aunt came and we had a girls night out! I had so much fun! My Aunt has been to New Orleans before so she knew her way around too, so we showed my mom a night on the town! We had a delicious dinner, a few cocktails, some dancing, and a little boutique browsing. Husband was a good sport and hung out with the kids.

 Me and Mom
 Mom and her Sister
 A more behaved picture!

A little jammin' time on the dance floor!

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