Monday, August 8, 2011

Albuquerque, NM

On our way to our next destination , we decided to stay overnight in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I normally use Hotwire to book every hotel we stay in on the road, that's not our Wyndham Timeshare, but the prices we found were kind of high, so I splurged and called the Embassy Suites. They had room -- and gave us an awesome one too, that was huge, because we're rewards members with them. We made it just in time for Happy Hour! We actually drove 11 hours today -- almost all of what we needed. And we used our AAA discount to save !!!

 At happy hour the hotel had a clown that did face painting, balloon animals, and she had crafts for the kids to do. It was fantastic! I was tired from driving all day, and then to have them entertained while I was able to relax was out of this world. There was a bunch of kids they played with , so I was able to chat with other parents and just hang out. It was super nice.

 Look at our view
Everyone went to bed early so we could wake and get an early start. 
We planned some museums to visit before leaving town to continue our voyage.

One  museum down , one to go... Next up - the New Mexico Museum of Natural Science and History.

With only Trader Joe's left to hit before we're outta here... It's almost time to hit the road!

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