Saturday, July 23, 2011

View From Our New Room

We have made our way south and entered Alabama. Huntsville is hosting #2's sewing camp. She will be attending with her Grandma and Aunt. The whole summer trip was planned around this event! 

We can get to this park from the back of the hotel. It's so relaxing to stroll along this canal. The walk ways are lined with benches and flowering trees. It continues for a long while, the water connects and there's walkways under the streets to get to the other side.

This is the park that's across the street. It connects to the first picture. The art museum is the building in the background. On the lawn in front of the museum, the town has movies in the park on Friday nights.

The view below I just thought was nice to gaze out-- so pretty with the mountains in the back!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! I was waiting to hear from you again. The view is amazing. Are you going to make it to California and back before school starts? How is #3 doing?
