Sunday, July 17, 2011

Lazy Day

Today was a very lazy day. We had to move rooms form our awesome 2 bedroom to a small 1 bedroom tiny unit. I knew that when booking and have no one to blame but my cheapskate self! So it's all good. We had our things packed and ready by 10am standard checkout time, but had the privilege of staying in the room until 3pm. Had I known we were going to get lucky I would've left out bathing suits and a puzzle to kill time-- after the fact if too late. So here's our new room ---
little kitchen

beautiful bedroom

living room / dining room combo

So after we moved-- which thankfully one of the maintenance guys helped us shuffle our stuff, we hit the outside. I peeled the children away from the stupid boob tube and made them partake in outdoor activities.
#3 after "ringing a horse shoe" or whatever you call it in the game (which I clearly don't play-- or would've known the correct term)
#3 trying hard again

#2 swinging. I'd love to say lounging on a swing and reading her book ,but she conveniently left her book in the room and instead was using my phone to play a game. 
Our pretty little piece of landscape we claimed to relax in at the resort

#3 captured evidence of me doing absolutely nothing, taking a break from my book,
 as #2 played a game.

That lasted all of like a second because #3 decided he wanted to play basketball. Then they needed dinner. Then we went for a walk around the complex, then hit the pool, then showers, packing for space camp--- and finally bed-- I can barely keep my eyes open!! Tomorrow is space camp day! Oh my goodness!


  1. Awesome!! I was doing the same this morning.. though I was watching TV. =D

  2. Wow sounds like a pretty busy day! Seems like a lot of technology...LOL! We are all 21st century humanoids...LOL! Trying to keep up with all your great picts and posts. You should let the kids think of some things to post with picts or about spots. Would love to hear some of their comments too!

    <3 Dawn
    PS I don't know how Tarci gets her picture and her name... :(
