Monday, July 25, 2011

#3's First Art Museum Visit

 We walked to the Art Museum so #3 could feed his friends! #2 started her sewing camp today, so she was awake and out the door by 7am! She was so excited and nervous at the same time, but Grandma and Aunt Nan were there to hold her hand! #3 and I slept in until a 1/2 hour before the hotel stopped serving breakfast-- there was no way we were missing yummy cooked to order omelets and waffles!!
 Here he's posing in front of the art museum's fountain. He insisted on carrying the umbrella and wearing a sweatshirt. It was super hot and sunny, but not worth the argument!

 This photo was part of an exhibit. We thought it was super cool!

This painting was his favorite. He said the grapes looked as though you could reach in and grab them!

 I wanted to take this huge chalice back to the hotel to bring to happy hour for my personal use!

 Along with this ginormous bowl-- it would fit so many chips, saving me numerous trips
to the complimentary snack buffet!

 I also want one of these to add to my lawn ornament collection!!

 This is another of #3's favorites.

 He thought the race car was fun too!

 This was my favorite piece. The words carved in the left top corner say "Leaving home to see". I feel as if it sums up my summer intentions in four simple words! I never could comprehend how or why people would spend so much on art-- but seeing this picture made me "get it". I was moved! I wanted to be able to carry this piece with me, adding it to one of my walls -- ensuring I could lay my eyes upon it daily. Needless to say- it wasn't for say - nor do I have the bank roll!! But I do now own a pretty photograph of it!
While in the photography exhibit #3 felt he needed to also snap some shots-- including this upside down one. His original intention was just himself , but I snuck in as I saw him get ready to click!! Perfect timing!

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