Saturday, July 9, 2011

vacation is in full swing

Vacation is truly in full swing! We have parted ways with Husband, Grandma, and Grandpa. Boo !!! We weren't ready for them to go yet, but it is what is is!
So departure day from the beach has come upon us, and we have made our way onto the woods. I MISS THE BEACH!! I do love to the mountains, just not as much.
As for our budget -- which is cheap-- since I plan to go all the way across the U.S. to the California coastline! Before leaving our home I hit the market for goods to take, totaling $130. Then while on the Island I spent only $17 on groceries. We did eat out too, but that was courtesy of Grandma and Husband! Thank You both!! Today we did spend a bunch on charcoal for the grill, fishing hooks, and a few more fresh goods-- $74. So I am challenging myself to be even more frugal. We'll see how that goes.  As for gas, I'm not sure yet, I have to find the receipts.

As for the resort- so fun, we are at Fairfield Glade in Tennessee. It's like a big summer camp for families! There's 2 lake beaches, one has a marina too so the boats are neat to look at, tennis courts, an inside gym, an indoor pool, but only 1 outside pool-- I wish there was at least 1 or 2 more, but the rooms are pretty big and that's a bonus with 3 kids! We like this place , we found it on our last year trip and wished we had more time to stay, we only stopped over on our way somewhere else, this year we are here for 6 nights!!! I'm not sure we have ever stayed so long in one place on our summer tours!

Today the kids and I took a hike through the woods and picked a bouquet of fresh flowers for the room. We also came upon a pretty lake, which we plan to go fishing at tomorrow - hence the buying of fishing hooks. We explored the activity center, playground, and indoor pool.
Number 3 is giving me a run for my money today. I think aliens have invaded his brain! I don't know what has gotten into him-- he's antagonizing #1 and #2 every chance he gets. I took T.V. away from them today--all of them. Maybe cable T.V. is the problem ?? They are not used to watching it- since we don 't have it at home-- and on vacation they indulge every chance we are in the room. So today I bellowed-- "Off!! It's going off- just like at home -- ALL DAY!!!" I thought they'd freak - but instead they broke out cards and played war, then went on the computer and looked up the song on youtube-banana phone, and laughed singing into a real banana for like and hour while I made dinner-- Perfect - they can function without the stupid boob tube. Guess it's staying off for tomorrow too! Until then!

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