Friday, July 15, 2011

No Rain!

Started the day with a delicious cup of coffee from the lobby brought to me by #1-- he can be such a good kid at times!! Then finally fit in some exercise while the kids played on their computers. I really felt like I needed it after awaking with a puffy face from consuming too many potato chips and beers after the children fell to slumber!! I always regret it afterward but it's so yummy while I'm stuffing my face!

Anyway, the rain held off and it turned out to be a beautiful day. So we held off on the museum adventure. We went online to prepare and realized we went there last year while on our travels. Number 1 objected to going at all-- he remembered every activity and said he didn't care for it that much, could I take the kids after dropping him at space camp. Good enough argument- sounds doable, the other two didn't care- so we set out to explore the resort. Refilled my coffee, played some bingo--  Number 3 won 3 times! He was so excited. He won a pair of rainbow glasses-- just what he needed!
Number 2 won once and was quite content! After bingo we explored the playground and the basketball court. Then they were tired and hungry so we went back to the room. On the way we saw a funny garbage can to encourage using it---of course the 2 little ones wanted their picture with it.
After lunch they just wanted to veg out- so I let them! Then I got bored and asked if they wanted to go shopping. Number 3 was the only taker so we 1 and 2 to hang out - with 1 in charge. 3 and I found the coolest store called the World Market-- I loved it! I bought dishes to create a picnic kit for our travels. Then we went to Target to get milk and eggs that we forgot yesterday and to replace the loaf of bread I dropped all over the floor this morning. But of course we left with more because upon arrival I felt like I was at home and just killing another typical day. We found a clearance picnic basket to now put the contents we just purchased in, and also new water bottles with the freezable ice center piece. Then we found a snow cone  maker that I thought would be so fun, and a tankini top that I feel is much needed for these southern areas. I haven't seen one mom yet her in a bikini, so I haven't swam here because I feel awkward, problem solved now, tomorrow it's on in the pool!!! Cannonballs it is!!! Plus we all needed new books to read and there was conveniently a Books-A-Million in the same complex! This is why I try to stay at museums or the resort --so I don't buy more junk!!

On  our way home we saw an accident - what a horrible thing to witness-- this one makes about the 10th one we've seen on our travels so far. Each on is just after impact before the cops or fire fighters are even there. It's creepy! It makes me drive even more cautious. Then when we were almost to our exit - another one! What in tarnation-- again - i have become a really focused driver-- and it makes the kids talk about the many possible reasons that the accident occurred. Mia always says it was probably due to kids fighting and the mom turned to yell at them and lost control of the car. So needless to say -- they have been awesome in the car-- Number 1 helps gets things when they drop - and they've been getting along so well!!
After returning from our shopping outing we were supposed to go to the pool for a "flick and a float" but then the rain decided to make it's appearance, so we watched some boob tube. I think I can sense them getting dumber with every show  viewed. Gosh I hate TV!!!

I think I forgot to tell that yesterday we went to the Dukes of Hazard Museum.

This is what our room now looks like. Tomorrow we have to move rooms in the same resort because I wasn't able to get the 2 bedroom for the whole time---BOO! But I guess I can't have everything-- so we go to a 1 bedroom for the rest of the time. I'm sure it's going to be just as pretty. I hope the day is nice so we can hang out by the pool and not leave the complex.
I think the last kid is finally sleeping and I should hit the hay as well. As much as I anticipate doing nothing by the pool, that just doesn't happen. Hoping for another good day -- and coffee delivered by #1 (he can be such a good kid) in the AM!!


  1. Yeahhhhhhh.. pictures!! You finally posted pictures!!! [screaming aside] This is your best post ever.. =) Its great to know that you are having a great time! Send HI and HUGS to the kids.. love, love...

  2. You are a blogging Queen. I am proud of you and I hope you keep it up! Any fun humanitarian projects going on lately. Loved your free hotel stuff to soldiers idea.. Awesome! I love seeing picts of all of you. You are such a great mom to be doing this with your kids. You are so much braver than me!

