Sunday, October 16, 2011

Manhatten Beach

Busy , Busy days.... We didn't even make use of the pool! While on our short trip here, we visited the Redondo Beach Pier, perused a local car show, and played games at the arcade - which was super fun, then called it a night. 

 The next day we started early with the Santa Monica Pier. We visited the small aquarium to squeeze in a little education! #2 and #3 at the touch tank (above pic).

This was at the park along the main road by the Santa Monica Pier. This place competed for #1 like with Oceanside for me. I just wish that real estate wasn't out of my reach here!!

Being drawn to trees, we always manage to find the most visually stunning ones possibly offered by
Mother Nature-- of course my children had to hug it!

 Love getting our fortunes told. Ironically #2 got an almost identical fortune to the 
one she got from another machine--weird!

The trip would not be complete without a ride on the Piers  carousel!
After this we walked around the downtown for a bit, and were asked to be in the audience for the show "The People's Court" , of course we said yes. How Cool!! After making our appearance, we headed  back to our room for a dinner pit stop, then off to the Redondo Pier again for an art and music festival.

Then back to our room to prepare for our early departure. Grandma's coming in to meet us
tomorrow and it's off to Hollywood for the day!

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