Tuesday, May 17, 2011

First destination decided

Debates have began on which destinations to add to our travel route. Number 3 requested Australia, newsflash little buddy, we can't drive there!! Number 2 has voiced opinions of revisiting Texas, all the while Number 1 complains "can't we spend this summer home?". Ummmm NO! Not an option! It's just because he is trying to justify the need for an air conditioner in his bedroom. We never install them due to the fact, we are not home to use them! So he figures if we stay home, he will get one. Ummm again I say NO!! I'm not an air conditioner fan!

Back on track , we do have one definite destination on our Master Guide. We will be giving Alabama the pleasure of hosting us! Space Camp awaits #1 and Sewing Camp awaits #2. The pool awaits #3 and I!! I'm also looking forward to having breakfast cooked for us!!! Usually most of our travel takes place through time share arrangements, but this destination proves to be not within the vicinity of a time share option. Therefore we will be as cozy as can be in a hotel suite.The upside being --breakfast cooked to order daily!!! Yeah!!! That fact alone leads me to believe I can do without separate bedrooms and the lack of a kitchen.

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